A mysterious terrorist organization known only as “NEVER” arrives in the city of Futo, led by a man named Katsumi Daido.NEVER is behind the distribution of T2 Gaia Memories (T2ガイアメモリ,
Tī Tsū Gaia Memori) — 26 next-generation Gaia Memories created by Foundation X based on the Gaia Memories used by the Kamen Riders. With the Eternal Memory in his possession, Daido leads NEVER and several Dopants who use the T2 Gaia Memories in an assault on the city. Assisted by interpol investigator Maria S. Cranberry, Shotaro’s investigation into NEVER leads to Philip being captured by the terrorist group in Futo’s darkest moment as Futo’s Kamen Riders prepare for a final battle.
Download Kamen RIder Double Forever : A to Z/The Gaia Memories of Fate
Tī Tsū Gaia Memori) — 26 next-generation Gaia Memories created by Foundation X based on the Gaia Memories used by the Kamen Riders. With the Eternal Memory in his possession, Daido leads NEVER and several Dopants who use the T2 Gaia Memories in an assault on the city. Assisted by interpol investigator Maria S. Cranberry, Shotaro’s investigation into NEVER leads to Philip being captured by the terrorist group in Futo’s darkest moment as Futo’s Kamen Riders prepare for a final battle.
Download Kamen RIder Double Forever : A to Z/The Gaia Memories of Fate
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